Monday 1 December 2014

Library Book Photo and Year in Books link

Here is my very last Library Book photo of 2014 because the van isn't round again until January

It's a good thing I didn't wait for the Do-Ahead Christmas book as there is nothing in it I fancy making. The Secret Life of Trees looks a bit heavy going.

 Some of the books above are crime fiction by authors I know and a few of the other books are new-to-me authors. 6th from the right - A Very Private Diary by Mary Morris is the story of a nurse training during the war. I've already started it and it looks to be a good read.

Linking in with Laura at  Circle of Pine Trees for the Year in Books
Here were the books I read or tried to read during November. Three  (Eva Dolan, Kerry Tombs and Stephen Booth) were untried authors, but I couldn't get on with any of them.
I loved House Bound by Winifred Peck, a book from the 1942 re- published in the usual grey cover of Persephone Books. The story of a well-to-do woman forced to manage without domestic help. It sounds funny to us now but back then even middle class women born in the late Victorian or Edwardian period were used to a cook and a girl domestic at the very least. Suddenly they all went off for better paid jobs in the munitions factories or joined to serve in one of the Forces.
I also enjoyed Three Houses by Angela Thirkell. First published in 1931 this is the memoirs of Angela as a child growing up and the connections with the artistic members of her family.

I will have plenty to read over the next couple of months because I still have some here from Octobers collection and I might get some for Christmas too, and then of course there are several hundred on the bookshelves if we get snowed in!


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